Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Use Terraform output in Jenkins file

In a Jenkins pipeline file, you might have several Terraform stacks running in different stages. Make them communicating is usually pretty easy, using the data construct, or the remote state. However, making a Terraform step communicating with another step running shell commands for instance requires a bit more work. Of course, you have the terraform output command, but there is a small glitch: storing the output in a variable ends up storing also a newline character at its end.
So here is a command that helps work around that problem:

def BUCKET_NAME = ''

pipeline {
    stages {
        stage('Terraform') {
            steps {
                sh "terraform init"
                sh "terraform apply"
                script {
                    BUCKET_NAME = sh (script: 'terraform output bucket_name | xargs echo -n', returnStdout: true)
        stage('Another') {
            steps {
                sh "echo ${BUCKET_NAME}"

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