We have many unit tests using moto library to mock calls to boto3 to access AWS services.They all work fine, except for a warning on the use of this fixture:
This is one of the correct ways of using moto mocks. But only this mock on SQS shows the following warning:
FutureWarning: The sqs client is currently using a deprecated endpoint: eu-central-1.queue.amazonaws.
com. In the next minor version this will be moved to sqs.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com . See https://github.com/boto/ botocore/issues/2705 for more details.
Now, our Sonar is considering these warnings as errors, and leads our build to fail. As explained by the issue, the warning comes from the use of a deprecated attribute called sslCommonName. I didn't dive into the moto library, but there might be a way to avoid the use of this attribute. The easisest way to stop using it, is to add this environment variable to our test code:
This skips completely the use of the deprecated attribute.
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