Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Incomplete Class in Java 5.0 Released Version?

 This article was posted originally on JRoller July 22, 2005

I just found this comment in the WindowsFileChooserUI class, in the Java 5.0 source code:

    // The following are private because the implementation of the
    // Windows FileChooser L&F is not complete yet.

Did they forget to remove those lines? Or is the class really not complete? Did they lack time before the release? Did they have time to test it at all? Would we expect to have a complete version by Mustang? or Dolphin?

Following this comment is a list of private constants about Windows version. I would have expected to have them in a package private class, probably in the form of an enum. So I guess the class is really not complete, and this constants might be duplicated in some other places. Or is the FileChooser the only place in the whole Windows L&F where they have to make a difference between Windows versions?

Funny thing, I checked the implementation of the class in my Java 17, and the comment is still there. However, the constants disappeared. So on one side, there are no more differences in the L&F between windows versions. On the other side, nobody dared to remove the comment.

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