Friday, October 6, 2023

AWS: Automatic Subscription Confirmation from SQS Queue to SNS Topic

 We have an architecture in AWS where different events from different accounts need to be sent to one central SQS queue. Since the events will cross both accounts and regions, one way to do it is to send them to a local SNS Topic. 

The SQS queue will have to subscribe to all those Topics, but we can not do it on the SQS side, since it does not know each time someone pops out a new account. However, the problem with having the SNS Topics create the subscriptions, is that they are waiting for confirmation from the SQS queue.

Since we already have a lambda waiting on the other side of the queue, handling all the events, we added a small code to handle the subscription confirmation as well. Here it is:

import json
import urllib.request

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    for record in event["Records"]:
        body = json.loads(record["body"])

        if body.get("Type") == "SubscriptionConfirmation":

def handle_subscription_confirmation(message):
    url = message["SubscribeURL"]

    with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response:

I find it strange that the Cloudformation template that we use to create the subscription does not handle the confirmation as well. Or maybe not cross-account?

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